English     :           German chamomile/Chamomile/Camomile/Dogs Chamomile

Urdu         :           Babuna/Babunah

Telugu      :           __

Description : There are many species of chamomile. One is indigeneous to Britain and cultivated. Which is known as True or Roman chamomile.From wild species, single chamomile are collected and sold in scottland as Scotch chamomiles. Another is indigenous to northern Europe and grows wild in Germany and known as wild or German chamomile.

Wild German chamomile is a glabrous much-branched,aromatic herb 30 cm high. The flower-heads are composed of a few yellowish orange to pale-yellow ray florets 10-20 and numerous somewhat darker and tubular disc,penducles are about 2.5 cm long and dark brown or dark greenish yellow and achenes are with 3-5 faint ridbs. It has a pleasant aromatic odour and bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Wild or German chamomile is a glabrous much-branched, aromatic herb about 30 cm. The flower It is used in coughs,asthma,stomach disorders, abdominal flatulence,hysteria ,dysmenorrhoe, neuralgias,cramps in leg and rheumatism. It is also used externally in the form of decoction with other anti-phlogistic and sedative drugs for fomention in rhematic swellings and pains and aslo as sitz-bath for piles,uterine and renal colics. An infusion is also used as an external counter-irritant to eczema,bruises,sores and for hair washes.

Root is considered more powerful than flowers.

Ibn Sina’s view: It is deobstruent,attenuant,resolvent,sedative and brain tonic.Also expectorant, diuretic.lithontriptic and emmenagogue.

Useful in cold headache ,jaundice and kidney stones.