English : Tali-pepper/Cubebs
Urdu : Kabab-chini/Sital-chini
Telugu : Toka-miriyalu/Chalava-miriyalu
Description :
It is climbing and twining plant of Indonesia and Malaysia.The leaves are glabrous, ovate oblong with cordate or rounded base and the fruits are gobular with a slender stalk-like portion attached to its base.The pericarb of the fruit is dusky red to slightly brown,rarely greyish in colour. The fruits are collected when fully grown but still green and dried in the sun when they become black and wrinkled. They possess a spicy aromatic odour and a bitter and acrid taste. They are imported to India.
Action and Uses:
Cubebs are deobstuent, stimulant, carminative, expectorant, anti-asthmatic,di-uretic and anti-septic. They are benefecially used in hepato-spleenic obstructions , flatulent abdomen and chronic diarrhoea; laryngitis ; bronchitis and bronchial asthma,urinary tract infection and resolvent and gonorrhoeal urethritis.
Cubebs also strengthen the teeth and gum. They are used in the formulations of tooth powders and also of lozengers to be used for various throat conditions of hoarseness of voice. They are externally used as resolvent in rheumatism.
Ibn sina’s View:
It is deobstruent in hepatic obstruction , excellent for septic ulcers in soft tissues or organs and also for septic stomatitis.It cleanses urinaty tract, excretes sand and expels kidney and bladder stones.