English : Asarun/Asarabacca/Hazelwort/Wild Nard
Urdu : Asaron/Asarun
Telugu : Asaramu
Description :
This is a herbaceous perennial bearing 2 kidney-shaped leathery,long-stalked or cyclamen –
shaped leaves on short pubescent stems and nut shaped flowers on soil surface. Single purplish flower
appears flower appears early summer to early autumn. The plant grows in temperate zones.
The root which is known as asarun orasaron is irregular and knotty in appearance having sweet
smell,slightly bitter taste and yellowish or brownish colour.
Action and Uses:
Asarun is stimulant,diuretic,resolvent,deobstruent and sternutatory. It produces copious muscus
flow if taken as snuff. Hence it obstruction and headache ,sore throat and horseness of voice. It is good for
rheumatism. It is also emetic,purgative and emmenagogue. Hence it is used as snuff or its fumes from
burning of root pieces are inhaled. It gives quick relief when used with other drugs eg. Iris root and wild
Marjoram plant. In small doses, it is a good liver and stomach tonic.
Ibn Sina’s view:
Iy is deobstruent and diuretic. Useful in hepatic obstruction,jaundice ,ascites and sciatica.