English     :  Psoralea seeds/Babchi seeds

Urdu        :   Babchi/Bavachi/Bakuchi

Telugu    :   Bavanchalu/Kala-giuja/Kalagija

Description :It is an erect annual herbaceous plant 0.6-1.2 m high with densely gland-dotted branches,round and black gland-dotted leaves,small and bluish-purple flowers,10-30 in a buch arising,in axils o leaves and very small,slightly compressed,pitted,black,beaked and one-seeded pods.

Seeds are odourless but on chewing they emit a pungent odour and have bitter unpleasnt and acrid taste.

Action and Uses

Psoralea or babchi purifier,alternative,lexative,anthelmintic, carminative, and stomachic. It is also diuretic and diaphoretic in febrile conditions and demulcent in dry cough.

It is used internally in diseases of blood-impurities,leprosy,vitiligo,Psoriasis,ringworm and pruritus. It is used externally in vitiligo as a specific drug. The mode of action is local effect on the arterioles of the sub-capillary plexus which are dilated so that plasma is increased in this area . The skin becomes red and the melanblasts are stimulated. In vitiligo,melanoblasts do not function properly and their stimulation by the drug leads them to from and exude pigments which gradually diffuse in to the white patches.In non-syphilitic group,seeds are effective otherwise not useful.

It is suggested by some authorities to rectify the drug by soaking seeds in ginger huice for 7 days and change the juice daily.