English : China root
Urdu : Chobchini
Telugu : Pirangi-chekka/Gali-Chekka
Description :It is a deciduous climber with rounded leaves, red berries and the root tubers known as ‘China Roots’. These tubers resembled to elongated potatoes in shape and size,knotty,10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm thick. They are usually peeled and available in the form of irreular pieces having pinkish white odourless wood with acrid taste.
Action and Uses:It is considered as good as ‘Sarsaparilla’ for the treatement of veneral diseases,rheumatic disorders and skin affections. It is attenuant,deobstruent ,diaphoretic .blood purifier ,diuretic and tonic. Fresh root is hypnotic and sedative. It is commonly used in chronic skin diseases e.g leprosy,vitiligo,malignant ulcers,ringworm , eczema and psoriasis. It is also used in chronic headaches, migraine,chronic nasal catarrh and coryza, mental disorders ,paralysis,general dropsy,piles and fistula-in- ano and chronic pyelonephiirtis, chronic arthritis and gout.