English : Coriander
Urdu : Dhania/Dhania/Kothmir/Kothmir
Telugu : Kotimir/Kotimiri/Dhaniyalu
Description :
It is a smooth,errect,annual herb, 20-60 cm high with small, white or pinkish purple flowers borne on compound terminal umbles. The lower leaves are broad with crenately lobed margins while the upper ones are narrow, finely cut with linear lobes. The fruits are globular and ribbed, yellow brown in colour and range in size from 2-3.5 mm diameter. When possed they get bifurcated each half containing a seed. They have aromatic odour and taste.
Action and Uses:
It is cooling, aromatic, stimulant,carmintrive, anti-spasmodic , anti-billious, corrective and diuretic.
The green herb is, internally, used in tabkheer billiousness. Its juice or paste is applied to the forehead is severe headache and sun-stroke or to the lesions of acute irritation or inflammation. The juice is used as mouth-wash in ulceration and burning of mouth and as nasal drops in epistaxis. A Strong decoction of the herb is given with milk and sugar for the cure of bleeding piles and to correct the side-effects. i.e gripping due to purgatives like rhunarb and senna etc.
The fruits are used in flatulent colic,bleeding piles,irritative or bilious diaffhoeas, tabkheer or over-heat syndrome or burning feet syndrome , increased noctural pollution and sexual desire.
Ibn Sina’s View:
It is astrignent and narcotic. Its extract with milk, relieves throbbing pains. Useful in acute inflammations, persistent vertigo and epilepsy. Fresh herb is hypnotic and checks epistaxis. Useful in acute palpitation. Roasted seeds are anti-emetic and constipating.