English            :           Borage/Bugloss/Catmint

Urdu                :           Gaozaban/Gul-e-Gaozaban

Telugu             :           Mogobiraku


 It is an erect shrubby plant having all parts hairy; large, thick and whitish green leaves resembling cow’s or bull’s tongue in appearance; white, tiny and throny spots on their surfaces ; sky-blue coloured or pale purple flowers resembling punica grantum flowers but smaller. Seeds are white , long and thinner than carthamus tinctorius seeds.

Action and uses:

Flowers and leaves both are anti-periodic , anti- pyretic and diaphoretic, alternative , exhilarent and tonic for vital organs i.e heart , brain and liver , diuretic ,refrigerant ,demulcent and expectorant. They are used in inter-mittent fevers , catarrh , coryza, influenza , rhino-congestion , liver congestion and ascites and also in rheumatism.They are good in relieving irritation of the stomach , bowels and bladder.

They are highly beneficially drugs in the treatment of melancholia, insanity and palpitation of heart.

Ibn Sina’ s View:

Its actions are refreshing, tranquilizer, exhilarent and heart-tonic. It is having excellent effect in wild behaviour. Very useful as demulcent and expectorant in cough and tracheal irritation.