LAKH English :Lac Urdu : Lakh/Lac/Luc Telugu : Laksha/Lacca/Lukkah Description : Lac is a resinous substance of reddish or dark-brown colour with a disagreeable smell. It is produced and deposited by a small insect on the twigs of big trees…
KUNJAD English : Sesame/Gingerlly Urdu : Til/Tiloun ka Talil Telugu : Nuvulu Description : This is a small bush about 45-90 cm high. Leaves are large, thin hairy upto 12.5 cm long and lower leaves are lobed and toothed. Flowers…
KULTHI English : Horse-gram Urdu : Kulthi Telugu : Ulavalu Description : It is grown as a dry crop on poor soils and is hardy and draught resitant. It is a native of india and the important areas are Madras,…
KHURMA English : Edible dates/Dried dates Urdu : Pend Khajur/Khurma/Chhuhara Telugu : Ita/Kharjuramu Description : This is a tall tree, a native of Arabia but now cultivated in India and Pakistan.It is upto 36m in high and its trunk is…
KHULANJAN English : Grater Galangale Urdu : Khilanjan/Kulanjan/Badi kulanjan Telugu : Pedda Dampa Description : It is a herbaceous plant 2 m high,having lanceolate and smooth with white margin leaves,small greenish white flowers about 3 cm long and orange red…
KHUBBAZI English : Common mallow Urdu : Khubbazi/Tukhm-e-Khubbazi Telugu : Trikalamalli Description : It is an erect, branched and woody biennialor perennial 30-120 cm high plant.It is wild and grows as a weed but is also cultivated in the gardens.…
KHIYAR English : Cucumber/Common Cucumber Urdu : Khira/Kiyar Telugu : Khiyar/Qisa Description : This is a popular vegetable crop and widely cultivated through out the world.These are numerous varieties under cultivation. Some bear fruits 25-35 cm long 7-10 cm in…
KHITMI English : Althaea / Marsh or White mallow Urdu : Khitmi/Khatmi/Khero/Guli kheri Telugu : __ Description : It is a perennial plant, having about 15 species, distributed in the temperate regions of which two are native to India. i.e.…
KHASHKHASH English : Poppy capsule or head/Poppy fruit’s rind Urdu : Khashkhash/Post-e-Khashkhash Telugu : Khaskhasu/Postakaya Description : This is an erect annual herb,green, glabrous, scarely branched about 0.6 m high or more. Leaves clapsing the stem by their cordate base,…
KHARBUZAH English : Melon/Sweet Melon Urdu : Kharbuza/Kharbuzah/Kharbuza Telugu : Velipandu Description : It is an annual climbing or creeping herb with large, soft hairy leaves and spherical, ovoid or elliptic fruits of varying size and colour. The Skin of…