English : Sweet or Common Marjorum/Origanum
Urdu : Marwa/Murwa
Telugu : Maruvamu
Description :
Origanum or common Marjorum plant is a variety of Ocimum and grows upto 30-90cm high.When it fresh,it has a strong,characterstic ,aromatic, agreeable odour and a warm,bitterfish,aromatic taste.
It is a perennial herb with a creeping elongated,woody,root – stock,erect,stiff and branched stem and opposite leaves,spreading and broadly ovate,obtuse or sub-acute.The flowers are of violet colour and grow in branches.The seeds are black and small.
Action and Uses:
Marjorum is stimulant,carminative,stomachic,anthelmatic,mild tonic to the liver,diaphoretic,expectorant,emmenagogue and galactagogue.
The dry plant is used internally in the form of infusion or decoction for the treatement of gastric upset,flatulent abdomen and colic,chronic liver disorders,chronic bronchitis and asthma ,menstrual disturbances e.g oligo-menorrhoea and amenorrhoea,oligo-galactia and hysteria.
It is used externally in the form of paste or hot fomentationin the acute diarrhoea ,chronic headache and migraine,sprains,bruises and paralysis.For this purpose,volatile oil is also used as liniment and applied in rheumatism,toothache and earache.The drug alone or with other drugs e.g
Iris root,in crushed form,is burnt to produce fumes which are allowed to be inhaled in chronic coughs and asthma to have qucik relief.
Ibn Sina’s View:
It is attenuant,deobstruent and resolvent.Applied on phlegmatic swellings and useful in backache.Opens cerebral obstructions and useful in migraine and headache.When decoction is drunk,it is useful in dropsy,dysuria and gripping.