English : Oak galls/Galls/Magic nut
Urdu : Mazu/Mazu subz
Telugu : Mashi-Kaya/Machi-kaya
Description :
Galls are obtained from various species of oak and a species of sumach.They result from the pucture and deposit of an egg or eggs of an insect ‘Cynips Gallae Tinctorie Oliver’ on the leaves and buds of the above trees.They are darker in colour and known as the ‘black’ or ‘blue’, the ‘ white’ or ‘green’ and ‘perforated ‘or’ unperforated’ galls.Green and unperforated gall is considered the best among all the varieties.
Action and Uses:
It is astrigent,desiccant,styptic,powder in chronic diarrhoea,intestinal ulcers,leucorrhoea and menorrhagia.
It is used as tooth-powder alone or with other drugs in spongy gum, loose teeth and excessive uvula , sore-throat, mouth ulcers and gingivitis ; as enema in bloody diarrhoea and ulcerative colitis and as vaginal douch in leucorrhoea , menorrhagia and metorrhagia. Its powder is sprinkled on prolapsed rectum and uterus,anal ulcers and fissures and its decoction is used for washing them.
It is used as liniment in skin diseases e.g intertrigo,impetigo and eczema etc. It is rubbed in powder from on the body and in all the pits to decrease excessive sweating and to destroy its bad smell. It blackens the hairs and included in the hair dying formulations.
Ibn sina’s view:
It is strong astrigent.Hair wash with its juice and water,blackens hair Application with vinegar,cures ringworm.Its drink with is useful in stomatitis esp.In children.Its drink is useful in intestinal ulcers and chroic diarrhoea.