English : Common or Black Night-Shade
Urdu : Mako/Kaamuni/Kamuni
Telugu : Kamanchi chettu/Kamanchi/Kachi
Description :
This is a well-known leafy annual plant,having numerous and bluish green branches,ovoid leaves with wavy margin,small and white flowers,and pepper-sized fruits,growing in clusters,dark green in colour and bitter in taste when unripe but on ripening they become sweet and red,yellow or black. Green unripe fruits are considered toxic whereas ripe ones are nearly free from their toxic alkaloids and can be consumed with out ill-effects. Black fruits which contain an alkaloid solinidine,have the property of dilating the pupils.
Action and Uses:
Green and dry leaves and also ripe fruits are very valuable in the treatement as resolvent ,di-uretic,alterative,febrifuge,cholagogue and mild aperient
The juice is extracted from green leaves and used orally and vaginally alone or with the juice extracted from green leaves of cichorium intybus plant,in the acute inflammatory conditions of stomach,liver,kidneys and uterus.This juice is obtained in a special way.First of all,the juice, extracted from green leaves,is placed on fire.After a while, it boils and splits,the solid leafy contents settle down and the water comes up.Then this water is poured and stained to get clean water.It is known as Muravvaq.
Drugs which are resolvent and anodyne, are mixed with the Murravaq water of Mako leaves and placed on fire to make a paste to be applied externally on inflammatory swellings of tonsils,livers,spleen and joints.Similarly,the pith of Amaltas pod is mixed and dissolved in the Muravvaq water of Mako leaves,warmed and used as mouth-wash for quick relief in swelling of tongue and throat.
Ibn sina’s View:
Seeds of the garden variety are astrigent.That variety which is narcotic,possesses characterstics similar to that of opium.Its plaster is excellent in all external and internal inflammations.When applied externally,it is good for gastritis and nephritis.Diuretic and cleans kidneys and bladder. Checks menstrual bleeding and prevents nocturnal emissions.