English : Myrtle/Common Myrtle/Myrtle berries or leaves
Urdu : Maurid/Murad/Murid
Telugu : __
Description :
This is an evergreen shrub, 1.0-3.0 m in height , often grown for its attractive foliage,flowers,and berries.Leaves opposite,ovate to lancelate, aromatic,flowers white,fragrant axillary,and berries ellipsoid,black with hard,kidney-shapped white seeds.
Action and Uses:
Myrtle leaves are astrigent,desicant ,sedative,hair-tonic and hair-blackener.They are useful in cerebral affections especially,also in dyspepsia and diseases of the stomach and liver.Also beneficial in pulmonary disorders.A decoction is employed as a mouth wash in cases of aphthaeLeaves are topically used as Zimad to relieve pain in cases of burn,bruises,acute and headache.
They are also used in powder form to be applied in eczmema,wounds and ulcers.They are rubbed in axilla as anti- hydrotic and deodorant to check sweating and bad smell.Leaves in the form of their juice or decoction are included in the formulation of hair tonics and oils to strengthen and blacken the hair.
Myrtle berries are esteemed as astrigent anti-pepsirant and styptic,tonic to the brain and the heart diuretic,and as hair tonic.They are stomachic and carminative.They are used benefecially in diarrhoea ,dysentery,intestinal ulcerations,and haenorrhages.They are very useful in cardiac weakness and palpitation and also in bronchitis and haemoptysis. Barries are ground and applied to the body as anti-perspirant and deodorant.They promote the growth of the hair and cure headache.
Ibn sina’s view:
It is anti-diarrhoeal,anti-perspitatory and styptic.It is stomachic and sedative for acute inflammation.It is used in the form oil or extract or decoction to strengthen and blacken the hair.It gives strength to heart and cures palpitation.Berries are useful for cough and haemoptysis,also for menorrhagia,diarrhoea and burning micturition.